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Hello everyone; I am Jacob Zisk, 1st-year iFront student.
I would like to share some interesting things I found in e-learning class!

By far, the most interesting and useful thing we learned about was 3D printing.  It has many varied uses, and is not usually so difficult or expensive to achieve.  We even got to watch Kawakami-sensei print a miniature Totoro while we took turns on the Oculus Rift! That was pretty neat.
                We even use 3D printing in my lab in mechanical engineering.  We print out Shape Memory Gel links for our robot arm using Furukawa-sensei’s 3D printers!

                I decided to read more about 3D printing and its uses, and found some interesting stuff:

                Chemistry professor Lee Cronin wants to mass-produce drugs with his “chemputer” that he has adapted from a 3D printer.  Prof. Cronin claims that this could revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry.  Only time will tell.  I hope it doesn’t put any of my old pharmacist friends out of work!  D:

-Jacob Zisk

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