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Hello everyone. I am Kumkum Ahmed, 1st grade iFront Student. 
I have found something interesting check it out!
In e-learning course, in some classes we have given lesson about 3D printer by Kawakami Sensei and Makino Sensei. It was really interesting and we enjoyed a lot.  The concept of using a computer to print everything from the shoes on your feet to today's lunch may sound like science fiction, but today 3-D printers have made this a reality. 
After attending the lectures about 3D printer I was curious about 3D printed objects which are amazing. So I was searching about interesting 3D printed objects. I found some common items that you probably didnt know were 3D printable. Read down below to find out some interesting 3D printed objects.

While those interested in 3D printing are probably more familiar with smaller household objects, but the technology is being used to build full-size homes around the world. 

For example, the house in the above picture was printed by China's WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co.. This 3-D printer is capable of printing 10 homes in 24 hours from recycled materials.

Last year,Solid Concepts produced the world's first 3D printed metal gun. It was able to successfully fire 50 rounds upon its unveiling. Isn't it amazing!!! 

Can you imagine 3D printed meat? 
Modern meadow, a tissue engineering company develops more environmentally friendly alternative for the meat industry. The company says its method of creating meat and leather require no animal 
slaughter and fewer inputs of resources such as land, water, energy, and chemicals. 

But I am curious about the taste of the meat. Is it as tasty as Yonezawa beef? :)

Hope all of you find this article interesting. 

Kumkum Ahmed
Mechanical System Engineering
1st Grade iFront Student

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