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Science Festival in Yonezawa

During 26th to 27th, we have an activity named “Science Festival” in our campus.

This activity is aim to give the boys and girls from primary and secondary education the first understanding of scientific experiment and also to explain the science stories to these talents of the future.

In our lab, we separated to two different groups. One is to show the popular exhibits what we have developed, the other is to let them make their own solar cells using very simple method.

Unfortunately, I could not take care of both of the groups, so I and my friends take charge of exhibition.


There were many people came to our room during these two days.

Our exhibitions were very easy to play for the age of these students.

After playing and also our easily understanding introduction, they all seem to be satisfied with their lovely smile.


In the part of experiment, it was filled with full of people but it still went in good situation. Boys and girls tested their self-made solar cells by driving a small music speaker. All of them were succeeded and bring the solar cells back as receiving a special present from our big brothers.

Finally, we played some small games and I also taught some Chinese to the lovely children who interested in Chinese.

By attending this activity, I learnt many in communicating to children and also learnt many from their particular smart idea.

Besides, I really give my best wishes to these children for them to reach a bright future in scientific field.

Sun He

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